JSF Facelets Tools Proposal

Final version
28th Jan. 2008

JavaServer Faces(JSF) Facelets Tools is a proposed open source component under the Eclipse WTP JSF Tools subproject.

This component proposal is similar to a Project Proposal (as defined in the Eclipse Development Process document) and is written to declare its intent and scope. This proposal is written to solicit additional participation and input from the Eclipse community.

Comments can be made in bug 214949.


The JSF Tools project provides an extensible framework and exemplary tools to simplify the development of JSF applications in Eclipse. The JSP source editor can be used for this purpose. However, this feature works only for JSF pages that use JSP as the view handler. Content Assist and Validation are other significant features in the JSF Tools project available only for a JSF-JSP page. Facelets is a more performing and popular view handler that uses XHTML syntax to define a JSF page. The released version of the JSF tools project doesn't support Facelets.

Project Goal

The objective of this incubating project is to enable the current set of features in the JSF Tools project to support Facelets. Since Facelets is not part of the current JSF specification, this work is being done as an incubating project. The next release of the JSF Specification, JSF 2.0 (JSR-314), will have a support for a Facelet-like view handler. The work done in this project will make it possible to provide feedback to the JSF 2.0 specification expert group and hence its essential to start early.


The JSF Facelets Tools project will enable the current features of the JSF Tools Project in a dynamic web project for Facelets.


Following are the list of features that will be supported for Facelets

  1. Create a Dynamic Web Project configured for Facelets
  2. Register a Facelets Tag Library
  3. Create a Facelets template page
  4. Create a XHTML web page enabled to define a Facelet page
  5. Edit a Facelets Web Page in the Structured Source Editor
  6. Execute a Facelets Page on a target runtime web server


Tentative Plan

First Technology Preview Milestone will be available by July, 2008

Component Lead/Committer

  1. Raghu Srinivasan


  1. Cameron Bateman
  2. Gerry Kessler
  3. Ian Trimble

User community

The User community includes the current set of users of the JSF Tools project and has the potential to attract new users from the JSF Facelets community.

Related Bugs

End-user Feature Request: 192393